5 rhetorical moves
5 rhetorical moves

Penelitian ini penting untuk menyelidiki pola retorika bagian pembahasan tesis mahasiswa magister bahasa Inggris yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Indonesia. ABSTRAK Bagian pembahasan dianggap sebagai bagian yang paling penting dalam tesis tetapi juga yang paling sulit ditulis terutama oleh mahasiswa atau penulis baru. The findings of this study are useful particularly for EFL students that is to facilitate them to better understand the rhetorical structure of thesis discussion section when written in English. In terms of step, interpreting results and referring to other studies in Move 4 are also considered as obligatory steps. The most noticeable feature of the section is the occurrence of Move 2 (reporting results) and Move 4 (Commenting on results) occurring in all texts making them obligatory moves. Following the model suggested by Loan and Pramoolsook (2015), this study found that students constructed the discussion section according to their perceived communicative purposes of discussion section. This study investigated the move-step and rhetorical pattern of discussion section in 20 English Master Theses written by Indonesian EFL postgraduate students. The discussion section is considered the most important section of a thesis but also the most difficult to write especially by university students. As result, rhetorical move is the ability of processing language effectively in order to make the readers easily understand and direct what the message in our writing by moving the storyline through the complex to the climax. In other words, academic writing is arguably the most important language skill to English tertiary students whose grades are largely determined by their performance in written assignments, academic reports, term examinations and graduation theses (Nga, 2009:112).


At the same time, students also learn how to access, select and evaluate information from different sources and to formulate ideas (Anderson and Poole, 2001:4). Move is understood as a practical part of texts to achieve a communicative purpose or seeking attainment of a defined goal (Brett: 322) adds move is a realization of a specific overall communicative purpose through a variety of linguistic strategies, while Brett (1994) simply defines move as a communicative category. This approach, which seeks to operate a text into particular parts, originated from the educational objectives of supporting the teaching of academic writing and reading for non-native speakers of English. Swales (1981, 1990, and 2004) to functionally describe a part or section of Research Articles. The study of moves analysis was originally developed by John M. Furthermore, rhetorical move it shows the writer's ability to process words in the language and rhetorical intent to achieve some purposes of the terms expressed using such words. Therefore, rhetorical move it functions as a tool for writers which empower them to convince their readers about their points of view. Suryani, et al (2014: 30) defines a rhetorical move is as the ability and study on the use of language with persuasive effect, a more contemporary definition for rhetorical refers to skills on understanding the audience roles in shaping communication, identifying and responding to the audience in terms of writing situation. It is a skill of discourse which employs various ways to convince and influence an audience. INTRODUCTION Rhetorical move is technique of using language effectively and persuasively. These findings implicate that rethorical moves should be included as material of instruction to teach academic writing for students of undegraduate programs. (2) Breadth of application varies for each writer writing the articles in the two journals. The research reveals the following results: (1) Native English writers and Native Indonesian writers recognize and apply the generic structure of English research articles with regard to Swales's and Yang & Alison's frameworks of rethorical moves. To analyse the data theoretical framework proposed by Swales was used for introduction section of the articles and Yang & Allison framework for discussion section.

5 rhetorical moves 5 rhetorical moves

Eight articles written by native Indonesian and native English writers published in the international journals indexed by Scopus and national journals accredited by Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI)were taken as source of data.

5 rhetorical moves

Such an analysis is beneficial in teaching academic writing for undergraduate students. This research aims at analysing journal articles to find out how rhetorical moves proceed.

5 rhetorical moves